Yoni Steaming

Yoni Steaming, sometimes called Vaginal Steaming, Pelvic Steaming and/or Perineal Steaming is the sacred act of allowing herb-infused steam to rise up into the pelvic region; the vagina, vulva, labia, clitoris, anus, penis, scrotum & urethra.

Balancing: Yoni steaming aids in balancing reproductive hormones, supporting a harmonious menstrual cycle.

Womb Wellness: The warmth of the steam carries the potent essential oils of the herbs and flowers, which encourages blood flow, promoting overall womb health and vitality.

Emotional Release: The ritual provides a space for emotional release and re-connection with the sacred womb space within.

Natural Detox: Yoni steaming assists in the gentle detoxification of the reproductive system, promoting a healthy, natural cleanse.

Sacred Connection: The addition of flowers elevates the experience, allowing you to connect with nature's intimate energy and enhance the sacredness of the ritual.

Feminine Empowerment: By embracing Yoni Steaming, you reclaim a sense of empowerment, celebrating the beauty and resilience of your feminine essence.

Let the energy of nature's bloom enhance this sacred practice celebrating the beauty and vitality of your own feminine essence.

The Kimihana Arts blend: was created to help you achieve optimal care within the sacred womb space. ​Yoni steaming is more than a ritual; it's an incredible tool for reclaiming reproductive and sexual health, connecting to your body and womb, and tapping into the full power that is being a wāhine, especially when infused with the magic of flowers (the sexual organs of plants) and potent herbs. Formulated to help prevent/ease menstrual cramps, help regulate menstrual cycle, ease menopausal symptoms, speed healing & toning after birth, reduce fibroids & cysts, reduce pain from endometriosis, strengthen uterus, relieve urinary tract infections, release stored emotions, release energetic trauma, relieve stress.

How regular does one have to steam? Depends on each person and what the reasons for steaming are. If there is an issue like fibroids, cysts, and/or endometriosis; one can steam once or even twice a week. I personally usually steam about once or twice a month. Essential for me to steam after my moontime (period) and a random one whenever I feel called, especially as a full marama self care ritual.

Best time to yoni steam? Before or after your menstrual cycle? I recommend both! Steaming before your cycle can help with regulation (timing) and loosening the endometrium (uterine lining) so that the uterus does not have to contract as hard (cramps). Steaming after your cycle can help any residue release and help to re-balance the energy after the bodies intense release. It is also toning and nourishing to the uterus that just worked so hard for you. 

Can you steam while pregnant? No. Your uterus contracts while steaming and we do not want that to happen while you are hapu. It may also induce your cycle, causing you to miscarry. If steaming for fertility enhancement, discontinue steaming once you start actively trying for a baby. 

Does it help with irregular menstruation post-birth control? Yes it does! That is probably the most popular reason for yoni steaming, irregularity correction. 

How long should I steam for? 10-15 minutes. 

Can you steam everyday to help kill an infection? Yes, you can, but please consult with your local naturopath or Dr. first. This is an especially good method for yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis (BV). It is not recommended to steam every day for longer than 2 weeks. This can be a bit taxing on your uterus if you over do it. Take a small break of a few days and then continue your yoni care regime. 

Is it safe? Yes, yoni steaming is very safe. The worst that could happen would be that you burn yourself with steam that is too hot or accidentally come in skin contact with the hot water. Test the steam before sitting over it and be mindful of your body and spatial awareness during your steam. Wrapping a towel to keep the steam close is a useful.

Steaming with an IUD (Intrauterine Device)? While there are many women that do; its not recommended. Your uterus contracts (slightly) while steaming and could cause issues with implants. 

Is steaming beneficial after miscarriage? Yes, absolutely. Physically and energetically. 

Is steaming beneficial after abortion? Yes. It can help release blood and tissue in the uterus that could be leftover in the uterus and also help to heal and harmonize the energy in your womb. Steam after your post-abortion bleeding has subsided. 

Is yoni steaming beneficial for the postpartum period (after childbirth)?  Yes. Steaming after birth is very common and encouraged by midwives and birth assistants worldwide. Postpartum steaming tones and rejuvenates the uterus. It encourages hormone balance, combats dryness, and helps release blood and tissue still left over from birth. If one has a traumatic birth experience, yoni steaming can also help heal those energetic traumas and blockages. 

Can people without vaginas yoni steam? Sure! It will not have the exact same benefits, but it will feel relaxing, rejuvenating and your genitals and anus, also energetically cleansing those areas.

Yoni ritual:  smoke clear your space, light a candle, put soothing music on, meditate or sing or just silently sit, whatever help you centre and calm yourself. Focus on releasing all of that which no longer serves you. Focus on cleansing the body of limiting thoughts and outside judgement. Imagine the yoni receiving healing medicine from powerful plant allies, which came on a long journey to find you. Afterwards, release the water and herb mix outside, to lay in rest and peace back on Papatūānuku, while verbally exclaiming that this water symbolizes my burdens being released from me and transmuted into gratitude and love for Papatūānuku.  


There are many wonderful resources and information online. Or please consult with your naturopath or Dr. Or contact Kimihana for a custom-made blend.

Kimihana Whalen