Yoni Nectar

Yoni Nectar


A divine collaboration with Rosa Rowan (rosarowan.com), we present you with an organic coconut oil based Yoni Nectar, anointing oil, massage oil, personal lubricant, a sacred nectar, infused with potent extraordinary flowers: Kōtukutukutu (native tree fuchsia), Blue Lotus, and Butterfly Pea. A self love offering, an invitation to ritualise yourself, your own body, your womb space, your sensuality, and your sexuality. All of which open doors to pleasure, healing, personal power, and the connection of divine essence. Your body, your temple! Your own answered prayer. 

Ritual: We invite you to intuitively work with this nectar. Using her as you are guided. You can anoint yourself head to toe. Open to receive the medicine of flowers. Breathe. Feel. Massage. Play. Release. Heal. Open.

Kotukutukutu: A truly special native tree fuchsia. The world's only flowers with blue pollen. Wahine were known to use this pollen as make-up to colour their lips. Also used in steam baths after birth. Helps connect one with their feminine energy, womb, honour one's own feelings and emotional needs. Use to access the energy of abundance and the limitless creative power of the great mother energy. Use for any female rite of passage such as pregnancy, birth, menarche or menopause. Acts as an emotional support during issues around the feminine, fertility, conception, motherhood.

Blue Lotus: A water lily dating back to ancient Egyptian culture, for ceremonies and rituals. Queen Cleopatra was said to soak these flowers in red wine for a state of euphoria, to open the third eye. To calm the nervous system and interplay between a waking and lucid awareness. The intention is to encourage a journey of remembering our intuitive knowledge, synchronizing our inner rhythms to those of Nature, ultimately connecting us to the depths of our instinctual self. Blue Lotus has long been recognised for its ability to stimulate dopamine receptors, enhance libido, a natural anti-anxiety and stress-reliever.

Butterfly Pea: Butterfly pea Flower tea has shown as a helpful treatment for problems with menstruation or vaginal discharge, as well as aiding in normal sperm production, and even acting as a potent aphrodisiac. In Indian villages, it is common for pregnant women to wear the roots of Aparajita, or Butterfly Pea, on their arms or waist to help them deliver their babies safely. The flower contains antioxidants, polyphenols, and flavonoids, which stimulate the natural production of collagen and elastin.

size: 120 ml glass jar

100% Organic Ingredients: Cocos nucifera (cold pressed extra virgin coconut oil), Kotukutukutu (Fuchsia excorticata), Nymphaea caerulea (blue lotus flowers), Clitoria ternatea (butterfly pea flowers), Tocopherols (vitamin E).

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