Mānuka Tincture

Mānuka Tincture



Tinctures are an amazing way of taking herbal medicine, they are absorbed super quickly into the human body.

Elemental qualities: cooling, resilience

Ruling planet: Venus

Plant Properties: anti everything from anti-bacterial to antimicrobial, skin and oral health, energy booster, immunity

Our tinctures are all made containing distillates (alcohol) made by us in our copper still! The plant matter has then macerated in alcohol for 9 months. The ABV % (Alcohol By Volume) is about 65% alcohol, making it super potent! So diluting your required dosage into water or juice is essential!

Dosage: will be different for every person, depending on age, illness, body constitute, reason for taking this medicine ect ect. Usually 3-5 drops or up to 15 drops (1ml). Please consult your local naturopath or Dr. to make sure this product is correct for you.

Produced from wild-crafted botanicals in Karekare, Aotearoa with our own homemade alcohol.

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